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Returning to normal

So everyone knows where things stand, the league is still fine.
Last Friday, it was discovered that my wife had endured several strokes.
These were not major strokes but significate enough to cause a temporary loss of brain and physical function.

The first few days were scary and it was not a given that she would recover in a meaningful way. Something like this is our worst fears once we get into our 60s.

She is home now and for the most part, she is normal again except that as the day wears on, she can lose focus a bit. A quick nap usually fixes that. Hopefully, that too will repair itself. This was brought in because of high blood pressure, (keep an eye on that folks).

So as the week moves forward, hopefully life will return to normal. So please bear with us as we get resettled into our life.
Posted on 18 Apr 2021 by Len


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