Advertise with Paydirt Football

Paydirt is committed to serving the NFL news and gaming community by giving our visitors the latest NFL news and info on not only PC NFL Gaming, but also tabletop, stat based football games. This also includes spotlights on leagues from around the spectrum of NFL Football gaming, Madden,  Actions PC Football, Football Pro  and others.

To have your league spotlighted, email us at:

Advertise with us!
We average over 11,000 visitors per month. That's a lot of people who will see your ad placed on our site and that means more visitors for you.
 We welcome you to join with our other partners in advertising with us. You can do this free of cost by swapping ads. You give us your picture ad and we give you our picture ad.  The ad must go on your main page somewhere and include the hyperlink back to our webpage.  ...Banner ads not available on ad swaps. More info below....

You can also advertise with us for the low cost of $4.00 per month, or $36.00 per year for ads that appear on our main page at These ads are placed on the left or right side of the page. These ads must be 434 pixels in width and no more than 200 pixels in height. If needed, we will create your ad using your logo, free!

Banner Ads
For $8.00 per month, you can have your "banner" ad placed at the very top of the main page. (No yearly rate available for main page banner).  Ad must be 625 pixels in width and 120 pixels in height.
This type of ad is highly visible and one of the first things visitors see when the page loads. We only use a maximum of 2 banner ads on the main page at once.  Banner ads on secondary pages are $4.00 per month or you can pay by the year for $20.00 per year for each secondary page. (this page is considered a secondary page).
If needed, we will create your banner ad using your logo, free!

For more info, email us at: and we will help you get started.


You may use these examples as ads on your site.  Ads must link back to  contact us if custom sizes are needed.


W=434  H=125


Banner Ad = 625 X 100


W=375 H=125