New Owner Tasks
So you're new to REDI-SET No problem, welcome aboard! But there's a few things you need to do to be fully informed and a complete part of the league. So here's what you need to do.

1) Register in our forums. The register link is in the upper right corner of the page
The forums are very important. You will need to use them on a regular basis
2) Register at Daddy Leagues. You'll need to to have full access to our stats pages.
3) Register to write articles here
Paydirt leagues thrive on their team and league articles.  Register so you can add your own. It's easy
4) Register in the ShoutBox
the Shoutbox is used for quick comments.
5)  Join our 2 Whatsapp rooms
Join our REDI-SET Whatsapp Commissioner:
Join our REDI-SET Whatsapp General discussion:
Gameplay questionnaire form
Tell us how gameplay was so we can get the most realistic gameplay before the season starts
That's it...enjoy REDI-SET!