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Rule Vote Results

Two rule proposals were up for vote. Only 1 team didn't vote (SF). 17 votes are needed to pass a rule.

1. No player is allowed to be traded more than 1-time per season.

Rationale – we don’t allow signed FAs to be traded for a year making this rule similar. In real life you don’t trade for a player and then flip him quickly thereafter.

15 votes in favor (Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Los Angeles Chargers, Los Angeles Rams, Las Vegas, Miami, Minnesota, Seattle, Tampa Bay, Tennessee, Washington)

2. Signed FAs can be dropped but the team is still responsible to pay their entire salary (meaning there is no cap relief for dropping a player)

Rationale – current rule doesn’t allow FAs to be dropped which can put you in a bind if you need/want to sign a player at a specific position.

7 votes opposed (Arizona, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Green Bay, Jacksonville, Pittsburgh, Minnesota)
19 teams votes yes and 1 abstained (Buffalo).

Rule passes and will be added to our rules.

Posted on 16 Jun 2023 by Bears


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