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Free Agent Bidding Rules

1) You may not bid lower than their listed salary in the game.

2) You may not bid higher than the amount of available salary your team has that allows you to have a full roster of 52 active players at the end of Free Agency. Note that the total available salary in Strat Draft does not take into account how many open positions that you need to fill to bring your active roster to 52 players. It’s your responsibility to determine what the maximum amount you can bid on any player while still allowing you to have 52 players on the active roster.

3) You may not have more active bids than open roster spots on your active roster.

4) Once 23 hours and 55 minutes elapses without a new bid on each player, the highest bid wins the player.

5) Only carded players are available in to be bid on.

6) You may not drop players during FA bidding. So make sure you can fill out your roster to the needed 54/52 players...EXAMPLE.... If you have 42 players at the start of FA bidding, you need a minimum of 10 players to be legal. So 10, 350K players means you need at least 3.5 million in open cap space.

Posted on 18 Jun 2023 by Bears


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