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Draft Schedule and info

Here is a League Schedule to get you through the start of the season.

Draft will begin on Wednesday, June 16 at 11am central
We will draft in 10 minute intervals and each team will draft 2 rounds per day,
We will get a new file Friday night and then do the same thing the next week, Monday through Friday.
That will get us all to 32 players on our roster and a new file will be sent out again Friday night, June 25.
On Monday- Tuesday, June 28-29, We will all send in a draft list to make 10 more picks. A new file will be sent out on June 29.
June 30-July 1 we will send in another list for our last 10 picks, getting us each to 52 players.
A new file will be sent out July 1.
July 2-3 will be an add/drop period to make teams legal.
July 4-5 send in coach files for season opener.
July 5-11 will be week 1.
Posted on 07 Jun 2021 by Len


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