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Dallas Overcomes Cleveland Comeback

In what I can only say was the best game I've been a part of in a while, Dallas was able to overcome a stifling front 7 to pull out a late win.

Things seemed to start out well for Dallas as they marched the field to score 7. But after a drive or two, Cleveland was able to tie it at 7 apeice.

Now, Dallas seemed to control the game running and passing at will and finishing the first half leading, 23 -10. But it didn't stop there. In the third, Dallas was able to tack on another 6 points with two fieldgoals to get a comfortable cushin of 19 points and a 29-10 lead.

Then things got scary....

Dallas was quickly reminded why the Browns were undefeated as Stafford was nearly perfect for several drives and in the end, tied it all up at 29.

But it was league leading rusher, Taylor who had the last word, driving the ball down to fieldgoal range.  With 1 second left to play, Dallas called a timeout and kicked the winning score.
Posted on 24 Feb 2023 by Len


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