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Test Article and an observation of the Pixel Cowboys


Test Article but also an observation of pixelated Dallas Cowboys

While uploading the week 15 updates to the website, (I got rid of the black background, it was depressing me), I uploaded the wrong php file and it screwed up the articles section for the PAFL. It is fixed now after a long period of head-scratching and cursing. I fianlly realized what I had done wrong.

Observation about all computer versions, pixelated, any video game representation of the NFL's Dallas cowboys.
I am firmly convinced that all versions have a built-in code that makes their user believe this season is going to be different, that they will win the big one. Why not?  They are dominant all season long. They strike fear into the hearts of all opponents.
But it is never to be....

In the forth quarter of the season, the wheels fall off.  Injuries decimate the team and last but not least, opponents catch on to the coaching staff who has not the sense to change things up and be less predictable.
So yes, beware, you Cowboys fans.  Pick a different team in the online gaming world if you want to win a championship because these pixelated Cowboys are modeled after the real life Cowboys and will leave you weeping.

Oh looks like the articles are working correctly again.

Posted on 06 Apr 2023 by Len


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