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Get Ready To Play - posted March 21st

Get ready for week 1

1) Make your cuts etc for your team before Friday3/24
2) Make Contact with your opponent to schele your game.
3) If your opponent is unowned, try to find a sub. If no sub is found you may request a straight sim or play VS the CPU.
4) Week 1 will officially start Friday the 24th at 6PM ET
5) While the cap penalty does not count against your team for season 1, you must not at anytime through trades of FA pick ups, (other than the FA pickups to make your team meet minimums), do anything that will add to your cap penalty if it is already 25 million or more.
6) Read the rules page and please follow all rules including the good sportsmanship rules.
7) I've increased WR catching and Run blocking for the start of the new season. But please let me know via the form if there are improvements that can be made.
Posted on 21 Mar 2023 by Len


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