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Dallas Waits

That's right. The Cowboys are waiting for the other shoe to drop. No not the NFL Cowboys, the PSAFL Cowboys.
Just like in the NFL, the Paydirt Cowboys (PAFL and PSAFL), have never gotten to the big show in more than 25 years.
This inaugural season of the PSAFL has seen the Boys only lose two games. One to the Packers and one to the Chiefs. Those teams are simply better talent wise than Dallas.

But most of their games have been close and injury free. That's the part that is bothersome. Some of those games should not have been close and now the injuries are beginning to show.

Dak Prescott was never going to start. His endurance was low. But what he was good for is coming in during close games in key situations to win. He is out for 4 games and will likely get injured in the post-season as well. So from here on out it is the souless, Andy "red haired" Dalton.
Playoffs?...maybe. Super Bowl?
Posted on 30 Oct 2021 by Len


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