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Properly setting Depth/Lineups

Okay, so....
The reason there are issues is that not everyone did the formation lineups and depth correctly.
After looking thru the teams only about half of the teams were set up properly.
we've reset all lineups and depth to default.

Your roster depth and formation lineups can be messed up simply by making trades.
To set your formation lineups and depth, you must make sure that "EVERY" formation is correct and fully staffed with the proper positional players on both def, off and sp teams. ...IE: WRs at WR, QBs at QB etc....
If you do not, then APCFB 2021 will throw in out of position players IE: QB at WR or even an OL at QB etc...

To set depth and formation lineups do so exactly like this and in this order..
1) clear depth for each team
2) then set computer depth for every team
3)erase formation lineups for every team
4) Autofill formation lineups for every team
5) tweak your formation lineups IE: different RBs or WRs for different formation lineups.

Alway check this when doing a trade or signing FAs to verify all is good before you send your COA File to the Commish.
It is important for every team owner to keep track of your lineups/depth.
You will need to send the Commish a new COA for teaks.

Thank you...
Posted on 11 Jan 2022 by Len


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