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Why Rediset was Created

What's different about Redi-Set?

Redi-Set is designed with fairness in mind. Currently, Madden is set up to award progression points, (player improvement), through team and player performance. So, the better your stats, the bigger the reward is for each player to improve. Player A wins the game. Player A gets more points than player B, who lost. Typically, the winning team's players have the better stats. This means that those players improve faster than the losing team's players. Over the course of a season and especially over several seasons, the winners get better while the losing teams are stagnant and in many cases, regress.
See where this is going? Over time it gets progressively more difficult for the losing teams to compete. Not fair, right? Losing teams in real-life get the perks. Not with Madden if it is set up without that in mind We'll fix that.

Currently, Madden places too much stock in things like hotroutes, audibles and other pre-snap options. Not that those things aren't important and a big part of football in real-life, but in Madden, it takes precedence over the actual playcall. It shouldn't. To fix this problem, careful study is being done for the correct slider settings and player adjustments. We believe big sets should reflect in a realistic way how you succeed in running the ball.

Paydirt Football has well over 20 years of experience in running online gaming leagues. Our leagues stay active and are maintained in a professional manner. Each of our league Commissioners keep our team owners best interests in mind and treat them with respect and patience. Since the early 90's we've been at this. The PFL, our Madden'22 league has been in existence for 22 years. The only league that has closed was our Football Pro league, the ECCFL, having lost its community after the game shuttered in the year 2000.

Website and Interaction
This is where Paydirt leagues shine. Check out any of our league websites and you will see something different. PFL l PAFL l PSAFL Articles, updated news and member interaction is at a premium in Paydirt. Our leagues are a virtual world where the game is only make-believe, but the winning and losing is very real.

Communication apps have taken over the world, even with Paydirt. But with Redi-Set, we will focus more on interaction on the website with its forums, shoutboxes and articles. Yes, we will use things like Whatsapp or Discord but not at the expense of the website.

Redi-Set design
1) 32 NFL Teams w/NFL players
2) One week's worth of games are played every week (7 days)
3) Off-seasons with Rookie draft and FA signings
4) Set your line-ups, depth and choose your plays for your playbook.
5) Coach mode = No interaction after the snap. Call your plays, Audibles, time outs and hotroutes, but after the snap, you simply hope your actions were better than your opponent. You are the coach, not a player.
6) Rewards for broadcasting your games on Twitch/YouTube. Training camp progression points are awarded for each game you broadcast, more if your controller is visible with the broadcast..

How much for all this?
100 % FREE! ...Though, we do run a fund drive for donations once per year and your donation is greatly appreciated but not mandatory.

RediSet does not start until early Spring, but you can be a part of this community by contacting us now to secure a spot as a Redi-Set team owner.

You will need a legal copy of Madden'23 PC Version to join this league
Posted on 18 Dec 2022 by Len


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